Editorial Policy

ShowBizers is committed to creating accurate, meaningful, and quality content with the prime aim of providing our readers the information they seek about up-and-coming talents in entertainment. While it is our quest to engage visitors with entertaining write-ups, we abide by a set of values, principles, and policies to ensure we remain socially responsible.

ShowBizers is not affiliated with any government parastatal. As an organization, we have no agenda other than gathering relevant information and creating genuine content in line with the journalistic principles of truth and fairness. We work independently and are not reliant on any organization for funding.

To ensure we uphold a high level of integrity, ShowBizers reviews and updates its editorial policy from time to time. And given our quest to be sincere and transparent with our readers/visitors, we are obligated to publish our editorial guidelines here.

Editorial Standards and Ethics Policy

Our editorial integrity is rooted in maintaining a high level of journalistic trustworthiness amongst our readers. And our ethics policy covers principles that range from fair and accurate reporting to avoiding conflicts of interest, cross-checking facts, and timely correction of errors.

Without fear or favor, we are committed to objective reportage with a zero-torelance policy to misinformation, disinformation and propaganda; or peddling rumors. To facilitate adherence to the stipulated values, ShowBizers has a dedicated team of seasoned writers, researchers, fact-checkers, and editors who are passionate about upholding the code and ethics of journalism.

Our articles are subjected to levels of verification processes before they are published on our website. Moreso, published articles are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that the information provided is not outdated. ShowBizers is wholly independent of any organization and only answerable to the public. Our agenda is to inform and entertain our readers while championing the freedom of expression.

Fact-Checking and Verification Standards

One of the prime requirements of our editorial unit is to ensure accuracy. This requires the unit to subject all articles to our fact-checking procedures which include the following:

  • Corroborating information from multiple sources and indicating unverified claims as such
  • Specifying sources of information and ensuring materials gathered are from reliable sources
  • Interpret and communicate complex information to give a clear understanding of the truth
  • Ensuring that opinions and rumors are not represented as facts
  • Editing to rid articles of grammatical and spelling errors while verifying dates, numbers, titles, and names

Copyrights and Safety

We understand and respect the need for privacy, as much as we are committed to upholding values that ensure people enjoy the right to their creative works, and exclusively so. Therefore, ShowBizers must not publish or distribute any intellectual property that violates the copyright of an individual/organization. We must, at all times, duly acknowledge the copyright holder of any copyrighted content and avoid any infringement of rights.

We are determined to fully exercise our right to distribute valuable information in the interest of the public. Nevertheless, we regard the privacy and protection of personal information and must always strive to strike a balance between our right to distribute information and privacy.

For any perceived infringement of a person’s privacy, we are guided by a simple principle that prioritizes the public interest over the intrusion. This must be justifiable in a meaningful way.

ShowBizers does not publish, distribute, or promote sexual content of any kind. We are also obligated to protect children from harm and abuse. Any article we publish about a minor must never expose them to danger or jeopardize their future.

ShowBizers does not and will not encourage racism, harassment, and bullying of any form. While we believe in equality, human rights, and social justice, we are not interested in inciting the public towards supporting any social movement.

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